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Instruction Manuals / Parts Breakdown For Specific Models


The links we speak of below will take you directly to the desired manual, specification chart, parts break-down, foot print, parts page where you'll be able to order parts, and even videos about the product. Yes, we at, make it so very easy for you!

When you find product on our website, you will usually find links on many of the product listings labeled "P-V", "P-O", "PQR" "SPEC", "FOOT",  "V1", "V2" "MAN"...If you click those links, you will see the Parts-view, parts-order page, parts quick reference, measurement specifications, footprint, video #1, and video #2, owner's manual for the waterer you are considering.

Complete Parts & Index Downloads:

Parts index & catalog (dated 2012)

 Parts index & catalog  (latest - dated 2014)
(The 2014 index represents changes to the valves that will be shipped in fountains going forward)