True quality when found in a well-made time and labor saving device will always prove to be cheap at twice the price you pay! A good rule of thumb is to determine the COST OF WARRANTY and the COST OF USEFULNESS by using this formula:
The "cost per day of warranty period" is the price you pay divided by days in the warranty
The "cost per day of usefulness" is the price you pay divided by double the days in the warranty period
If a unit costs $376.00, then
$376.00 divided by 3,650 days (10 years) is ten cents per day of warranty period - what a bargain!
$376.00 divided by 7,300 days (20 years) is five cents per day of usefulness - hey, would you tote water in a bucket all day long or break ice in all your stock tanks to save 5 pennies?
G. Becker